Halloween is Here! Is there such a thing as “good candy?”
Obviously, as dental profesionals, we advise that candy be consumed minimally. However, there are certain sweet treats out there that are better than others. Our recommendations for a”dentally-safe” Halloween:
- Avoid the hard, “melt-in-your mouth” candy. It’s all about exposure time. As that candy is melting, the teeth are “bathed” in sugar water. If possible, rinse with water soon after consuming this type of candy.
- If you have crowns and bridges: avoid sticky, chewy candy–caramel and candy corn. They can pop off those restorations.
- If you have braces or Invisalign: avoid licorice and Jawbreakers. They can cause brackets and buttons to “de-bond” and stain your teeth. (And really, do you want to eat something that’s called Jaw-breaker?!)
Floss and brush after eating your Halloween candy!
The office will be open on Nov 1 at 730 am for those that need their crowns recemented or broken fillings repaired….
PS: The Doctors’ favorite Halloween Treats:
Dr. Wu–Twix; Dr. Gottlieb–Kit Kat; Dr. Palabrica–Mr. Goodbar